Backyard Crab Feed

Backyard Crab Feed

Eat with your hands, wear tacky bibs, and feast

About this event

Doing parties in people's private homes is always fun, regardless of the occasion, theme, or even the reason for the party. Having a long-term relationship with our clients also helps give more insight into how they like their parties, what they like to eat, and how they like things to flow. At this particular event, we first looked at the many parties we had done together in the past. When we sat down to plan out a menu, there was a large amount of excitement as to what could be done. We first kicked around the idea of doing something with seafood, which eventually led to the idea of a Crosby Style Clam Bake. We decided to go all-out on decorations, pour the food on the table, let people dive in with their hands, wear tacky bibs, and feast. The idea was met with a little skepticism — old and young eating with their hands?! Since we had done more traditional menus before, this was the perfect time to celebrate everyone getting together again, however, this time over a really fun menu. As the food was poured on the table, our server said that going back to the kitchen was like getting approached by paparazzi. Every guest had a camera phone out taking pictures. There was plenty of conversation and laughter and sounds of crab legs being cracked, corn being chewed on, and, of course, the moans of contentment. Who wouldn't want to have a party like that?!

Talk to us about culinary retreats, VRBO/Airbnb escapes, and outdoor events.

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